miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

Gaahl and King - GOD SEED

God Seed was chosen for many reasons; it represents the will to grow, the god within man and nature, and the will to reach one's highest potential. God Seed is also the title of a track from the last album released under the "Gorgoroth" banner and in that respect it symbolizes what is brought from the past into a new beginning and a new future.

The album which has been in the works as a "Gorgoroth" album will now be released as the first God Seed album and should be in-stores in late 2009.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Si! y también mataría a los mexicanos de mierda y demás, pues Virkenes es racista y tiene lazos con el partido Nazi, así que vete a la mierda ignorante de porquería!!.